Social Experiments

Christmas Songs YOU SHOULD Know!

Good Day World,

Brownlee’s Christmas List blog Wednesday , got me to thinking about some of my key indicators that it really is  “Christmas Time In the City” So besides all of the beautifully decorated, themed, neighborhoods and in light of all of the wonderful food and gift sharing; not to mention that all important and sometimes controversial game of white elephant… I know that it is the Christmas season, when I turn on my radio dial and I am greeted by the songs that I love to hear…this time of the year! The following is the Top 10 List of Christmas Songs YOU SHOULD order from 10 to 1!

10) Have Yourself A  Merry Little Christmas- Luther Vandross– SHouldn’t matter your race or ethnicity (because the two are different) no Christmas CD is complete without the musical samplings of the Greatest Voice in R & B History…Luther Vandross.

9) Silent Night- Boyz II Men– I’m not sure if there will every be another group of male SINGERS, all of whom, were distinct and vital to the success of one another then Boyz II Men. What I particularly enjoy about this song is the little somethin…somethin they put on the end. Perfect son g to be sung in your local church play or Christmas program; provided you have 4 guys who can sing Acapella…#justsayin

8) What Christmas Means to Me– Stevie Wonder- No, this is not originally a jingle made for Old Navy commercials or the song playing in the background of the home of your favorite scene in your favorite contemporary Christmas Movie. The musical styling of Stevie Wonder really created a classic…especially when he hits you with the harmonica at the end.

7) The Christmas Song- Nat King Cole- You a lie (as my Aunt Lisa would say) if you change the station when this song comes on. The reverence of Nat King Cole’s voice as he croons over the melodic sounds of real  instruments in the background is what Christmas is all about. My Favorite part…the very beginning! When the song starts, it’s the perfect ushering in of this classic’s artist rendition of the Christmas Song.

6) Let It Snow- Boyz II Men ft. Brian McKnight– This was a perfect compilation of artistry  on one song. Can’t say I ever grew up in an environment where snow would be prevalent, but this song makes me feel like I could sit in my den, sip some hot chocolate and watch the snow falling down outside. Favorite part…B. Mcknight’s verse.

5) Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer- Temptations– If you don’t know all of Santa’s reindeer, just listen to the first 35 seconds of this song and you will never forget them again. I like this song, probably more so because of my bias towards the Temptations, because I don’t know if I have heard another version of this song sound so soulful and cool! My favorite part again is the way they call out all the other reindeer at the beginning…oh and the part “Hey Rudolph….won’t you guide my sleigh?” #Timeless

4) Santa Claus is Coming to Town- Jackson 5– This song just puts me right in the Christmas spirit. Not that I was ever a big believe in Santa Claus, but when you listen to young Michael come in with the conviction and power, you tend to lean on the side that DOES actually believe that Santa Claus is actually coming to town.

3) All I Want for Christmas- Mariah Carey– So, i honestly believe that this is the most popular version of this song. Mariah does a masterful job of bringing the song in with a beautiful melody and then the fun and festivity begins. I’m not completely sure if everyone would be comfortable with their significant other being the ONLY thing that they would want for Christmas…but it’s definitely a pretty good start. Favorite Part…the background singers.

Now before I get into the final two…I would probably say that these songs could probably be flipped flopped depending on who you talk to. For me, my Christmas does not begin until I hear song #1…but i can’t front on the brilliance that is song #2 on my list

2) This Christmas-Donny Hathaway– The song speaks for itself (“Shake a hand, Shake a Hand, now”)

1) Silent Night-Temptations– The greatest Christmas song of all time #idcf

Those are my top 10…. did i hit the nail on the head? How would you have ranked them? Would you replace these songs with others? Let us know.


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